Sending Flowers
If you desire to send flowers in sympathy to the family, you may do so by going to Demco Florist directly at They will deliver to the family’s home, Amis Memorial, cemetery or church. If you wish to send a fruit basket, Demco Florist at 234-7777, Fax 236-8422 or Gardine's Flowers ‘N Things at 293-4971, Fax 293-0886 will be happy to do that. Mention that you learned about their service on Amis Memorial's website.
If you desire to send flowers in sympathy to the family, you may do so by going to Demco Florist directly at They will deliver to the family’s home, Amis Memorial, cemetery or church. If you wish to send a fruit basket, Demco Florist at 234-7777, Fax 236-8422 or Gardine's Flowers ‘N Things at 293-4971, Fax 293-0886 will be happy to do that. Mention that you learned about their service on Amis Memorial's website.
Placing Plaques and Monuments
If you wish to place a plaque or monument on your family grave, you may contact Island Memorial directly at 295-8149 or Bermuda Laser Engravers for Customized Headstones at 296-9093. The friendly and knowledgeable person there will consult with you and the relevant cemetery agent and make all necessary arrangements to have your memorial installed. Mention that you received their information from the Amis Memorial website.
If you wish to place a plaque or monument on your family grave, you may contact Island Memorial directly at 295-8149 or Bermuda Laser Engravers for Customized Headstones at 296-9093. The friendly and knowledgeable person there will consult with you and the relevant cemetery agent and make all necessary arrangements to have your memorial installed. Mention that you received their information from the Amis Memorial website.